6 Signs That You Need an MDR Provider banner image

6 Signs That You Need an MDR Provider

Organisations often assume that relying on in-house cyber security teams or MSSPs is all that’s needed to completely secure their business. However, for some organisations, this isn’t always enough.

Using an in-house IT crew or security team is usually a best-effort approach to cope with a swelling tide of cyber threats. At best, it leaves companies partially protected. Even MSSPs, with their mostly reactive approach to security, often fail to deliver the kind of active protection necessary to seek out threats before they become problems.

In this whitepaper, we identify some signs that you’re in need of the more professional, aggressive form of protection that you’ll find in a managed detection and response (MDR) provider.

Some of the key areas we cover include:

  • Ensuring 24/7 coverage for your organisation
  • Protecting cloud-based services
  • Responding to new threats in the current threat landscape
  • Overcoming the cyber skills gap

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