Data Privacy Officer (DPO) as a Service

Ensure regulatory compliance and meet industry best practice on a continuous basis by outsourcing your Data Protection Officer (DPO) role to a highly accredited and experienced data privacy services provider.

Given the financial and reputational risks of noncompliance with regulators, having a DPO with appropriate expertise and experience to lead your data protection programme is invaluable.

The Importance of a Data Privacy Officer (DPO)

While many organisations recognise the importance of having a qualified and experienced Data Privacy Officer within their business, they are often challenged by a lack of quality DPOs in the market. The cyber skills shortage means that many currently lack the experience or qualifications to lead an organisation’s current data privacy function.  

Even for those that can find a DPO, having them work in-house isn’t always a best fit scenario. They may lack independence from other business functions which can create a conflict of interest in data processing activities. Additionally, data privacy teams may become overly reliant on their in-house DPO which can reduce resilience if or when they are unavailable. 

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What to Expect From a DPO as a Service with Bridewell

By outsourcing your Data Protection Officer to Bridewell, your organisation can reduce risk and overcome compliance challenges through passing the responsibility of data protection activities to our team. 

Adopt Best Practice

With Bridewell taking complete ownership of your data protection strategy and implementation, you can optimise your programme while investing minimal time and resources.

Achieve Regulatory Compliance

Our DPOs are experts in data protection legislation - including GDPR, Data Protection Act, LGPD, PECR, and CCPA - and are capable of operating independently according to European Data Protection Board (EDPB) guidelines.

Align Data-related Activities

Your DPO can take responsibility for a wide array of tasks, including Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) to the monitoring of data subjects, identifying potential breaches, privacy auditing, governance, privacy policy and more.

A True Data Privacy Partner

if your organisation already has a DPO, we can instead provide our experts as additional resources to support your existing programme.

What are the Benefits of a DPO?

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Legal Assistance

Achieve your proposed data privacy outcomes with the support of a partner who uses technology to enable change rather than citing limitations.

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Data Breach Response

In the event of a data breach, we will aid legal compliance by notifying the regulator within 72 hours and supporting your incident response.

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Comprehensive Data Protection

This includes a data privacy and cyber security management service that protects your enterprise in compulsory and non-compulsory environments alike.

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Qualified Expertise and Industry Experience

Dedicated experts with deep industry experience providing DPO services across sectors will provide your business with a tailored data privacy programme.

Start your DPO Journey with Bridewell

Speak with one of our consultants to see how we can support your organisation with a Data Protection Officer.

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How it Works

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Step One: We work with your key stakeholders to prioritise key data privacy and compliance goals. By mapping processes and review current data processing agreements. Our team will plan how these will be updated and improved with standard contractual clauses.

Step Two: Once our certified data protection experts are embedded within your organisation, they will work in collaboration with relevant individuals to draft and execute International Data Transfer Agreements and complete Data Protection Impact Assessments that embed privacy by design into business change processes.

Step Three: Our team implement the DPO role by drafting and implementing new procedures and processes where relevant - for example, Data Subject Rights and Incident Management. These procedures are continuously optimised to ensure that your data privacy requirements are met on an ongoing basis, rather than at a single point in time.

DPO as a Service FAQs

An outsourced DPO provides a dedicated, highly experienced professional who can tailor their extensive knowledge to the needs of your business. The result? A comprehensive, cost-effective, and fully accountable service that follows all policies and procedures and legal requirements applicable to your organisation. If you  need a DPO to help your organisation rapidly handle typical DPO responsibilities – this is a cost-effective solution that should offer peace of mind. 

It is highly recommended - whilst having a Data Protection Officer (DPO) may not always be a strict legal requirement, Supervisory Authorities stress the importance of organisations complying with the UK & EU GDPR, one of the requirements of which is to demonstrate accountability. 

A Data Protection Officer is an independent and qualified expert in data protection, someone who is adequately resourced and reports to the highest management level in an organisation. They can help you operate within the law by advising and monitoring compliance, and hence playing a key role in your ensuring the effectiveness of your organisation’s data protection compliance programme. 

Yes - We offer bespoke training to Data Protection Officers to help them proficiently fulfil the role for their organisation as defined under the UK and EU GDPR. This can include key responsibilities and actions for the role, training on privacy law, the importance of accountability and transparency, and the difference between implementation and advising/monitoring. We can also offer similar bespoke training for other relevant individuals responsible for data privacy in their organisation. 

Why Us?

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Our team have won numerous industry awards, including ‘Best Security Company of the Year' at the Cyber Security Awards 2023 and 'Best Cyber Security Company Europe' at the Cyber Security Awards 2022.

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Our people and services are highly accredited by leading industry bodies including CREST, the NCSC, and more. Our SOC holds extensive accreditations from CREST (including for CSIR and SOC2) and works closely with our cyber consultancy services.

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As a Microsoft Partner, we also hold advanced specialisms in Cloud Security and Threat Protection. We’ve also implemented some of the UK’s largest deployments of the Microsoft Security stack, inc. Sentinel, Defender, Purview and more.

Accreditations and Certifications

We hold the most NCSC assured services of any cyber security services provider. Our cyber security consultants and services are globally recognised for meeting the highest standards of accreditation and have leading industry certifications. 

Accreditations - NCSC