We’re proud to announce that, today, we’ve been named as one of the first Assured Service Providers for the NCSC Cyber Resilience Audit (CRA) scheme. This latest addition to our range of NCSC assured services means that we are now assured to deliver independent cyber audits, initially against the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF), on behalf of the NCSC.
“Being assured by the NCSC for the Cyber Resilience Audit Scheme is a testament to the technical knowledge of our consultants and Bridewell’s ongoing commitment to service improvement and continuous development of our staff,” said Anthony Young, CEO at Bridewell. “We look forward to helping more organisations as we deliver independent audits on behalf of the NCSC.”
Bridewell currently holds the most NCSC assured services of any cyber security provider, including: Cyber Incident Exercising (CIE), Consultancy: Risk Management, Consultancy: Audit & Review, Consultancy: Security Architecture, CHECK Penetration Testing and Cyber Incident Response (CIR).
“Being assured by the NCSC under their CRA scheme attests our ability to support organisations in assessing their cyber resilience and support oversight bodies in understanding cyber resilience within their sector,” said Craig Moores, Principal Lead Consultant at Bridewell and Bridewell's Cyber Resilience Audit Scheme Service Owner. “We’re proud to be one of the first organisations within the scheme and are excited to see how it develops in the near future.”
Visit our accreditations and certifications page to learn more about our recognition by industry bodies.