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Bridewell Joins the APM Partnership Programme

12 January 2024

Bridewell is proud to announce our recent partnership with the Association for Project Management (APM), a crucial step in our commitment to delivering unmatched cyber security consulting and managed security services. 

The APM Corporate Partnership Programme provides Bridewell with access to invaluable resources and insights into project management. This collaboration empowers us to harness refined methodologies, promoting innovation and heightened capabilities that directly benefit our clients. 

As a Corporate Partner, Bridewell gains access to cutting-edge project management methodologies, ensuring our team remains at the forefront of industry best practices. This partnership is particularly advantageous for projects in heavily regulated sectors and those demanding the highest security standards. Bridewell's project managers, now part of a community dedicated to advancing project management excellence, will continuously learn and leverage APM's knowledge base to deliver end-to-end cyber security services.

APM is the only chartered membership organisation for the project profession globally, boasting over 40,000 members and 400+ corporate partners. Their activities, ranging from qualifications and networking to events, research, resources, and debate, elevate the project profession, challenge the status quo, and set the highest standards. 

Bridewell remains steadfast in our commitment to delivering exceptional services, and the APM collaboration is a pivotal element in our continuous pursuit of excellence. For assistance with your business's cyber security challenges, please visit the 'Contact Us' section of our website to book a consultation.