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Bridewell is a Assured NCSC Consultancy

25 January 2017

Bridewell are please to announce our company and our Audit & Review service has been recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre – NCSC. (HMG Government website details of our service). 

The NCSC assured cyber security consultancy scheme ensures customers have the right cyber security consultancy services to help them protect their information and do business safely online.

To gain certification Bridewell have demonstrated that we have a proven track record of delivering defined cyber security consultancy services, a level of cyber security expertise supported by professional requirements defined by NCSC, and that our staff have the relevant Certified Professional (CCP) qualifications. In addition we demonstrated that we manage consultancy engagements in accordance with industry good practice, and that we meet NCSC requirements for assured professional cyber services companies.

As a Certified Cyber Security Consultancy, Bridewell commit to complying with an certified company code of conduct and in maintaining our cyber security expertise.

Bridewell partner Simon Entwistle has been approved by NCSC as the Head Consultant for the Audit & Review services.


For more information on how Bridewell’s Cyber security services can support your organisation, get in touch with our team for a confidential conversation.
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