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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Enhance your defensive security capabilities through the use of detailed, strategic threat intelligence about potential cyber attacks. 


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Anticipate and Understand Emerging Threats

With insight into recent activity from relevant threat actors, your security team will always be aware of the latest threats. 

Optimise Vulnerability and Risk Management

Detailed threat intelligence helps your security team understand the biggest risks to your organisation, and how to remediate them.

Support Informed Decision Making

The effective use of threat intelligence is the foundation of any cyber security programme and enables informed decision making. 

Take a Proactive Approach

Being able to anticipate threats allows your SOC team to take action ahead of threats, rather than respond to them. 

Why Cyber Threat Intelligence with Bridewell?

Bridewell’s Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) gathers information from our own threat research in addition to a range of open, private and trusted sources about current or potential attacks that are relevant to your organisation’s sector and operations. The information is analysed, refined, organised and prioritised by our cyber threat intelligence team so it can be used within your SOC, managed services and organisation to prioritise, minimise and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

Our CTI team can contextualise our findings to generate additional value and recommend the appropriate actions. When integrated with our SOC-related services, we can work to maximise detection and response capabilities in line with the intelligence findings. 

Bridewell also collates, anonymises and normalises data from our other clients operating in your sector to provide insight into threats relevant to your organisation. 

With a very low false positive scoring, our intelligence can be actively used for detection and blocking activities of active, malicious threats in new real-time. 

Bridewell builds custom plans to suit the specific operations and security concerns of each of our clients. 

Our analysts prioritise intelligence based on it’s relevance and the tangible risk it poses your organisation. 

This helps organisations take a more proactive approach to improving their security posture by frequently incorporating the latest threat intelligence to guide their cyber security programme and investment. Independent Threat Research. Our CTI team of analysts and researchers conduct active and ongoing tracking and analysis of threats, actors and techniques that builds our own intelligence at all layers. 

Read our Latest Threat Reports

Key Challenges Addressed


In recent years, the technical sophistication of cyberattacks has greatly increased, with tactics and attack infrastructure changing regularly. Because of this, mature threat intelligence solutions like Bridewell’s function at an operational and strategic level, rather than a purely tactical one. 

Building an effective collection framework and ensuring the efficacy of threat intelligence is difficult, leading to a large amount of noise, false positives and a lack of real threats detected and prevented.

This focus on poor-quality technical indicators prohibits and minimises the use of threat intelligence in wider business and SOC processes, restricting its benefit and real value. 



How it Works

Our threat intelligence analysts work closely with our or your Security Operations Centre (SOC) to develop a complete picture of your threat landscape.

Their work is underpinned by our own research, threat intelligence platform and collection framework, which uses automated and manual intelligence gathering to identify tactics, techniques and procedures, along with active indicators of compromise.

These insights are continuously shared with your business to maintain your awareness of potential vulnerabilities and risks, from advanced persistent threats to zero-day threats and ongoing attacks. 

Digital Web

Key Elements of the Service Include:


Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is defined as "the actionable intelligence about adversaries, their tools, tactics, and procedures (TTPs), and the vulnerabilities they exploit, that organizations use to inform decisions regarding their security posture and strategies."

CTI allows organisations to not only understand the current threat landscape, but also anticipate future threats. CTI can be used to support a number of security-related decisions. 

Threat intelligence can be categorised as: 

  • Strategic threat intelligence- Strategic intelligence provides a high-level view of the current threat landscape that can be used by non-technical/ executive audiences.  

  • Tactical threat intelligence – Tactical intelligence provides insight on the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers. 

  • Technical threat intelligence – Technical intelligence focuses on signs that a threat campaign is about to take place or is in progress. 

  • Operational threat intelligence – Operational intelligence is used to anticipate future attacks and how they might unfold, allowing organisations to prepare appropriately. 

Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is analysed in a variety of ways, depending on the organization and the specific goals of the analysis. CTI can be used to support incident response, threat hunting, and proactive defence efforts. One common approach to CTI analysis is to use a framework or methodology, such as the Cyber Kill Chain or MITRE's ATT&CK. 

Ready to Take the Next Step?

We’re here to help, so to speak with our team and learn more about how Bridewell can benefit your organisation, just complete the below form and one of our experts will be in touch.

Why Us?

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Our team have won numerous industry awards, including ‘Best Security Company of the Year' at the Cyber Security Awards 2023 and 'Best Cyber Security Company Europe' at the Cyber Security Awards 2022.

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Our people and services are highly accredited by leading industry bodies including CREST, the NCSC, and more. Our SOC holds extensive accreditations from CREST (including for CSIR and SOC2) and works closely with our cyber consultancy services.

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As a Microsoft Partner, we also hold advanced specialisms in Cloud Security and Threat Protection. We’ve also implemented some of the UK’s largest deployments of the Microsoft Security stack, inc. Sentinel, Defender, Purview and more.

Accreditations and Certifications

We hold the most NCSC assured services of any cyber security services provider. Our cyber security consultants and services are globally recognised for meeting the highest standards of accreditation and have leading industry certifications. 

Accreditations - NCSC